Your 101 Guide to Collagen Types And Uses

What Are The 8 Benefits of Collagen

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body and an important component in the structure and elasticity of muscles, tendons, ligaments, skin, blood vessels as well as connective tissues.
Collagen is produced naturally in the body by a combination of amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins found in food.
Collagen contains the following specific amino acids – Glycine, Proline, Hydroxyproline, and Arginine.

To produce collagen, your body needs:

  • Amino acids
  • Vitamin C
  • Zinc
  • Copper

Over 24 types of collagen have been identified, the most common of which are:

  • Type I, present in skin, tendons, teeth, internal organs, and bone
  • Type II, present in the eyes and cartilage
  • Type III, present in muscles, bone marrow, lymphoid tissue, and blood vessels

Unfortunately, as you age, your collagen levels drop, which contributes to several signs of aging, including:

  • Wrinkles
  • Saggy skin
  • Joint pain
  • Stiffer tendons and ligaments
  • Weaker muscles

Common collagen terms explained:

Collagen peptides
Collagen that is broken down into smaller chains of amino acids, the building blocks of proteins, are sometimes referred to as collagen peptides.

Collagen hydrolysate
Most collagen supplements are either labeled as collagen peptides or collagen hydrolysate. They are the same.
The collagen has been hydrolyzed, meaning it is broken down into smaller pieces, also known as peptides.
Collagen that is hydrolyzed and turned into peptides is easier to absorb and digest.

Collagen supplements
Most products marketed as collagen supplements are animal-derived collagen that has been broken down into small peptides so that your body can absorb it more effectively.
Collagen supplements are most commonly made from fish scales or cow bones, so those who follow a strict vegan diet may want to find an alternative.

Benefits of collagen:

  • Improves overall skin tone
  • Reduces hair loss
  • Maintains a healthy gut barrier
  • Builds stronger muscles
  • Promotes bone health
  • Healthy for your heart
  • Impacts joint health
  • Impacts liver function and detoxification
  • Restores sexual and hormone health

1. Improved skin elasticity, hair and nails

As you age, your skin becomes looser and less elastic and there may be wrinkles or creases where your skin was once more smooth and supple.
You might also experience brittle, peeling, or breaking nails and your hair becomes thinner, dry, and brittle.
Collagen protein is essential for healthy hair, skin, and nails, and taking collagen may increase the strength of your nails and improve your hair’s fullness and shine.
Source – collagen and nail growth

Increasing collagen intake can greatly improve your skin, making it appear firmer and smoother.
Collagen can also help in reducing the appearance of cellulite and stretch marks.
As skin loses its elasticity and becomes thin, cellulite becomes more obvious.
Studies include: ResearchGateJMNNPub med

On a personal level, I have definitely noticed an improvement in my skin’s elasticity, especially on my thighs and around the knees. 
Also, my hair is much fuller and looks healthier since I have been using collagen supplements

2. Maintains a healthy gut barrier

Collagen contains large amounts of the amino acids, glycine, and glutamine which are important to the intestinal tract.
Collagen is important in the regulation of gastric juices secretion, ensuring enough acid for proper digestion.
Glycine, found in collagen is effective in preventing stomach ulcers and harmful gastric secretions in the stomach lining.
Glutamine, one of the amino acids found in collagen, has been linked to preventing inflammation of the gut wall and healing leaky gut syndrome.

3. Boosts muscle mass when paired with resistance training

Collagen can play an important role in building muscle mass.
The amino acids arginine and glycine, which are found in collagen are important building blocks for creatine.
Research has shown that collagen supplementation can increase muscle growth and strength.
Quoting an article in the British Journal of Nutrition: “Collagen peptide supplementation in combination with resistance training improves body composition and increases muscle strength.

4. Bone health

As you age, bone mineral density decreases, especially after menopause.
Studies have shown that collagen peptides can help to increase bone mineral density, thereby slowing the aging process that makes bones brittle and helping your body to produce new bone.
Studies have indicated that taking collagen supplements may help slow down the bone degradation that leads to osteoporosis.
Source: Pub

5. Maintains heart health

Proline, which is found in collagen, slows the depositing of fat in the arteries and repairs the tissues within them.
Arterial fat may affect blood pressure and the hardening of the arteries.
An article in the Journal of Atherosclerosis concluded there was a significant reduction in measures of artery stiffness, compared with before taking supplements, and helped to improve cholesterol levels and reduced other risk factors for hardening of the arteries.

6. Reduce joint pain

Collagen helps to stimulate the production of cartilage, the tissue that cushions and supports joints.
Cartilage helps joints move smoothly.
As you grow older, collagen and cartilage production declines and you can experience joint pain as well as arthritis.
There is some evidence that collagen supplements can help to reduce joint pain and other symptoms of osteoarthritis.
Source – effect of collagen on improving osteoarthritis

7. Impacts detoxification & liver function

The liver processes the toxins you are exposed to every day, by removing them from your body.
Glycine, which is found in collagen, helps to support your liver during the detoxification process. 
This is also important if you consume alcohol.
Glycine can also contribute to a calming and restful sleep.

8. Restores sexual health

Women produce less estrogen after they turn 30, which has an impact on their sexual health amongst many other symptoms.
Intercourse can be painful due to vaginal dryness and a thinning of the skin in the vaginal walls.
Vaginal walls also require collagen in order to retain their firmness and taking a collagen supplement can help women restore and preserve the firmness of vaginal walls.

As you age, your skin becomes looser and less elastic and there may be wrinkles or creases where your skin was once more smooth and supple.
You might also experience brittle, peeling, or breaking nails and your hair becomes thinner, dry, and brittle.
Collagen protein is essential for healthy hair, skin, and nails, and taking collagen may increase the strength of your nails and improve your hair’s fullness and shine.
Source – collagen and nail growth

Increasing collagen intake can greatly improve your skin, making it appear firmer and smoother.
Collagen can also help in reducing the appearance of cellulite and stretch marks.
As skin loses its elasticity and becomes thin, cellulite becomes more obvious.
Studies include: ResearchGate; JMNN; Pub med

Does collagen work for weight loss?

To date, not enough research has been done on the impact of collagen supplements on weight loss, but there is some evidence that collagen can indirectly help your efforts.

Feeling of fullness
Collagen supplements may increase the feeling of fullness, thereby reducing hunger and ultimately how many calories you eat in a day.
Collagen might have this effect because of its high protein which increases satiety hormones (glucagon-like peptide-1 and cholecystokinin) and also suppresses ghrelin, the hunger hormone.

In a study conducted in 2020 “The mechanism underlying HPD-induced weight loss involves an increase in satiety and energy expenditure.”
You can’t meet your protein needs with collagen supplements alone, however, supplements can increase your overall protein intake, potentially improving satiety.

Increase muscle mass
Lean muscle tissue increases your metabolism because muscle burns more calories than fat and collagen helps to turn your body into a fat-burning machine.
Glycine, one of the amino acids found in collagen, forms muscle by the conversion of glucose into energy.

Reduces fat accumulation
Some evidence suggests that collagen may reduce the development and accumulation of adipocytes or fat cells.
A 2018 study noted that skate, a type of fish, reduces body fat in humans.
The amount of fat lost was small but does pose potential benefits for weight loss.

As you age, your skin becomes looser and less elastic and there may be wrinkles or creases where your skin was once more smooth and supple.
You might also experience brittle, peeling, or breaking nails and your hair becomes thinner, dry, and brittle.
Collagen protein is essential for healthy hair, skin, and nails, and taking collagen may increase the strength of your nails and improve your hair’s fullness and shine.
Source – collagen and nail growth

Increasing collagen intake can greatly improve your skin, making it appear firmer and smoother.
Collagen can also help in reducing the appearance of cellulite and stretch marks.
As skin loses its elasticity and becomes thin, cellulite becomes more obvious.
Studies include: ResearchGate; JMNN; Pub med

How to add collagen into your diet

Supplement your diet with collagen supplements
You can find good sources of collagen in the following:

  • Spinach, kale
  • Tomatoes
  • Beets
  • Fish
  • Chicken
  • Egg whites
  • Citrus fruits
  • Berries
  • Red and yellow vegetables
  • Garlic
  • Cashews
  • Bell peppers
  • Beans
  • Avocados
  • Soy

Collagen side effects

Currently, there are few known risks associated with taking collagen supplements.
However, some supplements contain common food allergens, such as fish, shellfish, and eggs.
To prevent allergic reactions, those suffering from allergies should avoid ingredients associated with these foods.
For some people, collagen supplements can cause digestive side effects, such as feelings of fullness and heartburn.
Some people complain of a lingering bad aftertaste.
However, by and large, collagen supplements appear to be safe for most people.
Source – collagen benefits safety effects

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