The Real Thing Ecklonia Cava Capsules


A patented, super-antioxidant complex found in 100% organic Ecklonia cava brown ocean algae.
It does something for everything


A patented, super-antioxidant complex found in 100% organic Ecklonia cava brown ocean algae.
It does something for everything.

What is it good for?

  • Cardiovascular health
  • Pain management
  • Glucose balance
  • Weight-loss
  • Hair-loss
  • Allergies
  • Memory

What’s in it?

Ecklonia cava extract (Seanol-F)

What makes it special?

  • 100% Natural
  • Suitable for Vegans
  • Palm Oil Free
  • Made in SA

How to use it

  • For maintenance, take 2 tablets daily (800mg Ecklonia Cava Extract). This can be increased to 2 tablets twice a day (1 600mg Extract), or up to a maximum dose of 3 tablets four times daily. Consult your health care practitioner.Dosages used in clinical trials for specific conditions are as follows:
  • Circulation and cholesterol – 300mg to 600mg per day
  • Arthritis – 600mg per day
  • Blood glucose reduction – 1.8g per day for pre-diabetics, 4.8g per day for diabetics
  • Weight-loss – 200mg per day or 720mg per day
  • Endurance and exercise – 720mg twice a day
  • Erectile function – 2.4g per day (for 8 weeks)
  • Neuropathic pain – 2g per day
  • Fibromyalgia – 1.2g to 2.4g per day
  • Cognitive function in dementia patients – 4.8g per day
  • Brain function and alertness – 720mg per day
  • Hair-loss – in vitro trials and anecdotal evidence support 800mg to 1 600mg per day