Flora Force Gotu Kola


Gotu Kola has been used for centuries as an adaptogenic and anti-aging healing tonic.


Gotu kola is known as the “herb of longevity,” gotu kola is a staple in traditional Chinese, Indonesian, and Ayurvedic medicine.
Practitioners claim the medicinal plant has the power to boost brainpower, heal skin issues, and promote liver and kidney health

What’s it good for?

  • Helps your body cope with internal and external stress
  • It may help boost cognitive function
  • It may help relieve joint pain
  • It may have a detox effect
  • It may help treat Alzheimer’s disease
  • It may help reduce anxiety and stress
  • It may act as an antidepressant
  • It may improve circulation and reduce swelling
  • It may help ease insomnia
  • It may help reduce appearance of stretch marks
  • It may promote wound healing and minimize scarring
  • Helping to warm icy fingers and toes
  • Eases varicose veins
  • As an aid for syphilis, hepatitis and stomach ulcers
  • Mental fatigue & epilepsy
  • Diarrhoea
  • Skin conditions such as psoriasis
  • Asthma

What’s in it?

Each capsule contains

  • Centella asiatica powder 400mg

What makes it special?

  • 100% Natural
  • Suitable for Vegans
  • Palm-Oil Free
  • Made in SA
  • No added sugar or lactose
  • Free of colourants or flavourants
  • Made in SA

How to use it

  • Take one to two capsules twice daily or as prescribed.
  • Before taking this medicine ensure that the condition has been diagnosed by a practitioner.
  • Do not discontinue any medicine without discussion with your practitioner.
  • If no relief in case of rheumatic conditions within 6 weeks and in Psoriasis after 3 months, do consult a practitioner.


  • Do not take Gotu kola together with any sedatives, diuretics, and drugs for hypoglycaemia and high cholesterol.

Contra-indications: In persons with known allergy to the herb.

Drug Interaction: Possible interaction may occur with prescription sedatives, diuretics, and drugs for hypoglycaemia and high cholesterol
Side-effects and special precautions: Drowsiness and itching. Allergic dermatitis may occur in some sensitive persons.
Known symptoms of over dosage and particulars of its treatment:
Headache, vertigo, drowsiness.