Lost your confidence and motivation with menopause?


During menopause falling estrogen affects the nervous system and your adrenal glands which basically help to control your nervous system.
As your estrogen falls, you can start to feel panicky and fearful about day-to-day situations.
Over time this will lead to a loss of confidence.

How you deal with emotional rollercoaster in menopause

Drink enough water
Dehydration will make your adrenals even jumpier and as a result, cause you to be more nervous than usual.
If you are also getting hot flushes and night sweats, it’s even more important to drink sufficient water.

Look at your diet
Make sure that your diet is varied, containing wholesome and fresh foods.
Your adrenals need just about every single vitamin and mineral that is available, in order to stabilize them during menopause.
Anything you can do diet-wise to help them will be beneficial.

This can help stabilize your nervous system, release stress and keep your circulation working well.

Intimacy booster
Menopause can leave you feeling less than feminine, due to the many changes that are happening.
Being intimate with your partner on a regular basis can give you the boost you need.
If you suffer from vaginal dryness, an estrogen supplement can help replenish moisture.

Deep breathing can help to calm you down.
Practice deep breathing exercises two or three times a day.

Treat yourself
Spoiling and pampering yourself is important during this time and helps to make you feel special, always a great confidence booster.

Don’t skip meals
Keep your blood sugars level.
If you go through long periods without eating, your blood sugar levels can start to dip or fluctuate, affecting your nervous system, putting you on edge.

everydayhealth.com – ways to boost your confidence
mymenopausecentre.com – menopause and loss of confidence

Has Menopause Caused Your Loss of Motivation?

Like so many other menopause symptoms a loss of motivation may result from the decline in estrogen which is the cause of many psychological and physical symptoms.
You can go through many changes during menopause, such as having mood swings, poor sleep, and fatigue.
Do you find that you just don’t have the energy to rouse yourself and start doing things that you previously loved doing?

Self-help tips during menopause

  • It’s really important to make some time for yourself and remember to put yourself first at least some of the time
  • Stop multitasking
    When you are going through menopause especially if your energy and mood are low, it can all be very overwhelming, so try to just focus on one thing at a time
  • Stop worrying about things that are a day or two away and just focus on what you have to do today
  • Eat regularly to help keep your blood sugar levels stable
  • Stay hydrated, as dehydration can really deplete your energy levels
  • Make sure that you’re getting plenty of magnesium
  • Vitamin B complex helps to give your nervous system an energy boost
  • Exercise is a great way to boost your mood, increasing wellbeing, reducing weight and improving your body image and self-esteem
  • Start a daily gratitude list, either first thing in the morning or last thing at night
    mymenopausecentre.com – menopause and lack of motivation


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