Aether Liquorice Powder


Aether’s Liquorice Root Powder has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects that may help to boost the immune system


Liquorice has traditionally been utilized to increase energy and stamina, fight bronchitis, upper respiratory catarrh, and coughs, as well as to reduce stomach acid.
It also increases mucus secretion in the gastric tract, soothing irritation and inflammation.

What is it good for?

  • Adaptogen
  • Aids in respiratory issues – including in easing coughs
  • Reduces stomach acid and aids in treating irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  • Antiviral – including herpes virus and therefore aids with fever blisters
  • Anti-inflammatory

What’s in it?

Powder: Glycyrrhiza Glabra

What makes it special?

  • 100% Natural
  • Suitable for Vegans & Vegetarians
  • Palm Oil free
  • Made in SA

How to use it

  • Take one tsp one to three times a day – once for maintenance dosage and three times in acute cases.
  • Put powder directly in a glass of water, in a tea or over food.
  • May increase cortisol availability to tissues – best taken morning/midday.
  • Small amounts at night to soothe the digestive tract and hot flushes.