Aether Cats Claw Powder



Known as the Life-Giving Vine, tribes in the amazon have been using cats claw for at least 2,000 years.

Researchers have isolated unique alkaloids in the bark and roots that activate the immune system by increasing white blood cell activity. Rynchophylline, another component of cats claw has antihypertensive properties that may be beneficial in lowering the risk of strokes and heart attacks by reducing heart rate, lowering blood pressure, increasing circulation, and lowering blood cholesterol levels.

This Ancient plant also contains quinovic acid glycosides which have documented anti- inflammatory benefits, and are effective in relieving the stiffness and swelling prevalent in arthritis, rheumatism, and joint pain.

What is it good for?

  • Immune-boosting plant
  • Believed to help to increase white blood cell activity
  • Stimulates the production of antibodies
  • Helps the body resist bacteria & viruses
  • May help to reduce inflammation
  • Reduces stiffness & swelling in the joints
  • May help to lower blood pressure & blood cholesterol

What’s in it?

  • Uncaria Tomentosa

What makes it special?

  • 100% Natural
  • Suitable for Vegans
  • Palm Oil free
  • Made in SA

How to use it

  • Take one tsp one to three times a day – once for maintenance dosage and three times in acute cases.
  • Put powder directly in a glass of water, in a tea or over food.
  • Immune support throughout the day depending on severity of condition or take a lower for maintenance dose.

Pack size

  • 65g