Aether Africa Potato Extract


Aether African Potato Extract contains an array of beneficial active compounds that help to protect, strengthen and boost the body’s immune response.


African potato contains compounds that have several biological activities among them, that they are antimutagenic and cytotoxic to cancer cells.
Research has also shown that these chemicals appears to alert the immune system to produce more CD4 – T cells – lymphocytes which are made available to destroy invading viruses and bacteria which cause bodily harm making this plant great for immune support.

What is it good for?

  • Immune-boosting abilities
  • May help to defend the body from pathogens
  • Contains several active Ingredients
  • Including hypoxoside & phytochemicals
  • Hypoxide is converted to rooperol, a powerful antioxidant
  • Research suggests that Hypoxide has anti-inflammatory effects
  • Sterols & sterolins are phytochemicals that boost the immune system

What’s in it?

Hypoxis hemerocallidea.

What makes it special?

  • 100% Natural
  • Suitable for Vegans
  • Palm Oil free
  • Made in SA

How to use it

  • Take one full dropper (10 drops) one to three times a day – once for maintenance dosage and three times in acute cases.
  • Put dropper directly in mouth or in a glass of water for consumption and keep it in mouth for 30 seconds for optimum absorption.
  • If wanting to avoid Ethanol consumption, place drops in hot water and allow Ethanol to evaporate for a minute or two.
  • Immune support throughout day depending on severity of condition or a lower for maintenance dose

Pack size

  • 30ml