Ugly Double Chin? 11 Ways To Fix Unsightly Neck Issues

Ugly Double Chin? 11 Ways To Fix Unsightly Neck Issues

Collagen is the most abundant protein in your body that supports your skin structure and forms the buffer between your muscles and bones.
As you age, the production of collagen decreases and as a result, your skin becomes less elastic, and wrinkles start to become visible.
A decrease in collagen also affects the amount of natural fat in the deeper layers of your skin.
This creates a space underneath your skin layers, that can cause the skin to droop or sag where it used to be firm.

11 Ways to fix unsightly neck issues

1. Protect your skin from harmful UV rays
The skin on your neck is much thinner, therefore it is very important to protect your neck from UV rays.
UV rays are really damaging to the deeper layers of your skin and contribute to the destruction of collagen.
Make sure that you wear sunscreen every single day and reapply it if you spend extended time outdoors.

2. Getting 7 to 9 hours of sleep
This is what is needed to repair skin damage and for healthy collagen production in the skin.
A lot of repair happens when you sleep and poor sleep can increase stress.

3. Manage your stress
When you are stressed out, stress hormones namely cortisol impair healing.

4. Stop smoking and drinking too much
Tobacco and excessive consumption of alcohol impairs the skin’s ability to heal and depletes the skin’s levels of antioxidants.

5. Antioxidants help fight off free radical damage.
People who smoke or drink in excess show more prominent signs of aging of the skin including on the neck.

6. Don’t be a couch potato
Make sure that you exercise regularly.
Exercise is important for getting the blood flowing and increasing circulation.
Good circulation improves the delivery of growth factors to the skin that help with repair.
Exercise also lowers inflammation throughout the body that would otherwise impair healing.

7.Take a look at your diet
Reduce the consumption of processed sugary foods, fried foods, and smoked or barbecued meats, which are cooked at high temperatures.
These foods are high in what is called advanced glycation end products that contribute to skin aging.

8. Stop scrunching your neck
By looking down at your devices, also called tech neck.
It is a newer phenomenon that is occurring more often these days because people strain to look down at their phone, tablet, or computer and that causes horizontal creasing of the skin of the neck.
Ultimately this will result in prominent wrinkles.

Change bad lifestyle habits

9. Be mindful of your posture
Invest in a laptop elevator so that you are not stretching your neck forward and down.

10. Don’t spray perfume on your neck
Perfume has different compounds in it that if exposed to UV light, can degrade and become very irritating for the skin and contribute to photoaging of the skin on the neck.

11. Do not forget to apply moisturizer to the neck
This is a very simple thing that you can start doing twice a day that will make a difference in the appearance of your neck.
Simply by improving the moisture barrier of the skin of the neck it will improve the look of wrinkles and fine lines.

Ingredients that you should be using on your neck

Vitamin C
It has antioxidant properties that are great for the skin.
Studies have shown that Vitamin C significantly reverses some of the damage caused by UV rays and other environmental factors.
To visibly see results, you will need to stick with a Vitamin C serum for at least 3 months.

Retinol cream
Retinoids are derived from Vitamin A.
They are one of the most studied and celebrated anti-aging ingredients
This is a fantastic ingredient for boosting collagen production in the deeper layers of the skin and helping to remove some sun damage.

However, because the skin on the neck is so thin it’s more prone to excessive irritation than other parts of the body.
Redness increased sensitivity, and dryness may appear.
When starting off using retinol be conservative with how much you use.
You only need a small amount of retinol on the neck and apply it every other day.
Source: Skin anti-aging strategies (

Other treatment options

Use a wrinkle-smoothing patch
When applied to the skin it can help in improving the look of wrinkles and fine lines temporarily by drawing moisture into the top layers of the skin. Hydrating and plumping up the skin cells and ultimately smoothing out wrinkles and fine lines.

This is something that you can do at home for a few hours and can even be worn overnight.
It is a good idea to wear these at night as it can also help reduce water loss out of the skin which as a side note is greatest at night-time.

Red light therapy
Consider investing in an at-home red light device or going to a dermatologist and having red light therapy.
Red light penetrates into the skin and can help in improving collagen production and smoothing out wrinkles.
Red light devices are safe to use at home, however before investing in a red-light device make sure you have the time and drive to commit to doing it as it will not work if not used regularly.
It is safe to use daily and the more you use it the more benefit you will see.

Caution: If you are on medications that make them more sensitive to light or if you have any photosensitive disease, do not use these devices.

Intense pulse light therapy
You may consider seeing a professional for intense pulse light therapy on the neck.
IPL is a treatment that, unlike laser, emits a variety of wavelengths of light that penetrate the skin at variable depths and generate heat.
This heat can help destroy unwanted pigment and improve the look of hyperpigmentation on the neck.
This treatment is not suitable for all skin types and those who have a darker skin tone need to be cautious with this type of treatment.

What about prominent sagging neck skin?

Topicals are not going to do anything if you have sagging skin on the neck.
There are some procedures, that can help in tightening the look of sagging skin namely ultrasound and radiofrequency.
These are not inexpensive treatments, and the results are variable.

Treatment options for sagging neck skin

Botox and fillers for wrinkles
Injectables will provide temporary benefit and Botox can help in smoothing out wrinkles.
There is also the option of filler and you may be an appropriate candidate for it, depending on the nature of the aging of your neck.

Resurfacing laser treatment
This can help improve:

  • Skin texture
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Smooth out the skin
  • Smooth out wrinkles
    However, there is some downtime associated with this treatment.

What causes a double chin?

The double chin is the unsightly bulge below your chin.
Often caused by the accumulation of fat or sagging skin and a slowdown in metabolism and loss of elasticity.
Fat accumulates there over time and can also happen when you gain weight.
Another factor that may contribute to the appearance of a double chin, is the lack of a proper chin in the first place, due to genetics.

Does exercise help to reduce a double chin?

There is no real scientific evidence to prove that exercises help to reduce a double chin, but many believe that strengthening face and neck muscles will reduce the further appearance of a double chin.
Exercises need to be done regularly and over some time.

Exercises that may reduce neck wrinkles & double chin

#1 Touch your nose
A double chin is also associated with weakness of the hyoid muscle, which with exercise can be strengthened.
Stick your tongue out as far as possible and try to reach your nose with the tip of your tongue.
Keep your lips relaxed.
Repeat 5 times.

#2 The perfect oval face
Turn your head to the left and pull your lower jaw forward, straining the muscles of your neck.
You should feel a good stretch in the muscles on the left of your neck.
Repeat on the right side and do exercise 5 times on each side.

#3 Straight jaw jut
Tilt your head back and look toward the ceiling and push your lower jaw forward to feel a stretch under the chin.
Hold the jaw jut for 10 seconds then relax your jaw and return your head to a neutral position.

#4 Puffy cheeks
Take a deep through your mouth filling it with air and close your mouth and puff up your cheeks.
Place your palms on your cheeks so that you feel the tension in your muscles.
Hold for 3-5 seconds, then exhale and relax.
Repeat the exercise 5-6 times.

#5 Ball exercise
Place a tennis ball under your chin and press your chin down against the ball.
Repeat 25 times daily

#6 Neck stretch
Tilt your head back, look up at the ceiling and press your tongue against the roof of your mouth.
Hold for 5 to 10 seconds and release.

Lifestyle changes that can help

Clean up your diet
One of the best solutions to a double chin caused by weight gain, is proper nutrition and an active lifestyle.

Switch out processed foods and sugars
Avoid refined grains, cereals, chips, baked goods, fried foods and the like.
Add more whole foods such as fresh fruits and veggies, lean meats, fish and whole grains.

Eat mindfully
Taking 5–10 extra minutes while eating, can give you a feeling of fullness before reaching for that second portion.
Eat without distractions such as the TV or cell, and chew slowly.

Eat healthy fats
Include oils such as olive oil, avocados, and nuts.

Get active
Being active plays a crucial role in keeping the extra weight off.
Simple activities to help you get moving:

  • Resistance training 2 to 3 times a week with weights, body weight, or machines, will help to tone your muscles and speed up fat loss
  • Moderate cardiovascular exercise for at least 30 minutes, 5 times a week
  • Mowing the lawn, gardening, and carrying groceries all count towards physical exercise
  • Going for walks on your lunch break or using the stairs instead of the lift

Medical treatment options for double chins

There are a few invasive procedures to fix a double chin.
Injections of vitamins, enzymes, hormones, and plant extracts are used to rejuvenate and tighten skin, as well as remove excess fat.
This is a type of fat-removal procedure used in plastic surgery.

Sources – jowls exercises causes treatment – wrinkles treatment –  topical vitamin C and rejuvenation of photodamage –  how can I get rid of my double chin

Chest Wrinkles

Wrinkles on the chest are very common because the area is usually exposed to a lot of sun.
They can appear as deep horizontal creases and can be bothersome.
Also, fine wrinkling appearing on the upper chest can be accompanied by other signs of photoaging such as:

  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Brown spots
  • Dry skin
  • Uneven skin tone

Causes of chest wrinkles

Intrinsic aging and genetics
As we age there is a natural, gradual decrease in collagen and elastin, leading to more visible fine lines and a loss of firmness.
Genetics are the main factor in determining your skin’s texture and structure, so it makes sense that getting wrinkles at a certain age can run in your family.

Research shows that smoking causes premature signs of aging, including wrinkles, fine lines, and discoloration.

As you age your skin’s process of creating natural oils, decreases.
Since these natural oils, called sebum, help to hydrate the skin, lack of them can lead to dryness.

Sleeping Habits
“Sleep lines” are a result of years of repeating certain sleeping positions, most notably on your side.
After years and years of sleeping in the same position, sleep lines can make a more permanent home on your chest.

Sun Exposure
While natural aging can gradually cause wrinkles, external factors such as sun exposure can speed up the process.
Ultraviolet rays are one of the primary causes of early wrinkles.

Significant changes in your weight

If you lose a significant amount of weight, sagging skin and wrinkles can be a side effect.
When you lose subcutaneous fat, the skin fibers don’t always shrink back, resulting in wrinkles in your chest area.
Conversely, gaining weight stretches the elastin and collagen in your skin.

Pregnancy causes your breasts to swell for a period of time, filling with milk, making them heavier, which adds stress on the proteins in your skin layers.

Bras and shapewear
The bras that you wear can influence whether you get chest wrinkles or not.
Some people need a lot more support for their breasts to work against gravity forces and keep them from damaging elastin and collagen in the skin layer.
If your bras don’t fit properly, they will not offer the right support and you may notice wrinkles on your chest over time.

How to care for your décolletage

Protect the chest area from sun
Unfortunately, it is an area that is often missed when it comes to applying sunscreen, but that area sees a lot more sun exposure than you might realize.

  • Make sure that you apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen, SPF30 or higher, to your chest every day and reapply it if you spend a lot of time outdoors
  • Also, avoid going outside and spending a lot of time during the peak exposure time
  • Enjoy outdoor activities in the early morning or in the late evening when the sun’s intensity is not as strong
  • Wear clothing that covers the chest area

Gentle cleansing
The skin on your décolletage is thin and delicate and easily damaged.
Avoid scrubbing this area when cleansing, instead use your fingertips to gently apply cleanser and rinse with lukewarm water.

Exfoliate regularly
The use of an exfoliating product or mask can help slough away dead skin cells on your neck and chest.
Again, avoid scrubbing the area, use your fingertips to work in exfoliator.

Consider using a supplement called polypodium leucotomos
Especially on days that you are going to be outside.
It has been shown to reduce the burden of sun damage that occurs with sun exposure.
It is something that can be used in conjunction with sunscreen to reduce the burden of damage.
Take it 30 minutes before going outside.

Consider using a moisturizer with glycolic or alpha hydroxy acid
This can help exfoliate dry built-up dead skin cells and help rejuvenate the look of wrinkles and fine lines on the upper chest and help your skin to retain moisture better.

With long-term consistent use, it can help with collagen production in the deeper layers of the skin.
However, you want to be careful with moisturizing products that contain AHA because they can make you more sensitive to the sun.
Only use if you are super diligent with your sun protection.

Consider using Retinol

It is an anti-aging favorite and can definitely improve the look of wrinkles with long-term use.
When applied topically it is taken up by the skin cells and converted to retinoic acid which ultimately boosts collagen production.

Boosting collagen production in the deeper layers of the skin will ultimately smooth out and help flatten wrinkles.
However, you need to be conservative with the frequency and strength to avoid peeling of the skin as well as drying and irritation.

Use products with antioxidants
Try using a vitamin C serum, as antioxidants found in vitamin C may help protect your skin and reverse damage from free radicals.
However, it is not a quick fix and you will need to stick with using a serum for at least 3 months, before seeing results.

Chest wrinkle pads
These pads are made of 100% medical-grade silicone that you place on your décolletage at bedtime.
They may help trap moisture in your chest area and prevent compression-induced wrinkling while you sleep.

Try to avoid positions that cause unnecessary creasing
If you like to curl up on the couch on your side, try to reposition yourself so that you’re not creating that deep crease.
If you sleep on your side, try training yourself to sleep instead of on your back.
It can make a difference in the long-term formation of those deep-seated wrinkles.

Bras and shapewear
The bras that you wear can influence whether you get chest wrinkles or not.
Some people need a lot more support for their breasts to work against gravity and prevent damaging elastin and collagen in the skin layer.
Badly filling bras won’t offer enough support and you may notice wrinkles on your chest over time.

Treatment for deeply formed chest wrinkles

Micro-needling is one of the best ways to naturally restore damaged skin cells, revealing healthier, younger-looking skin.
Treatment involves passing a derma pen over the surface of the skin to create tiny “micro-injuries” in the epidermis.
This will initiate the body’s ability to heal itself naturally.

Laser therapy
This is a popular option to address chest wrinkles.
This procedure resurfaces the skin and effectively treats moderate surface wrinkles and scars in addition to treating hyperpigmentation or aging spots on your skin.
It will most likely require two to six sessions in order to achieve the desired results.

Botox and dermal fillers
These are used as a form of temporary treatment for wrinkles on your chest.
Treatments are minimally invasive and do not require much recovery time.
It involves filling the area where your skin has lost firmness and elasticity to restore volume and smooth out the skin.

Sources: – décolletage – 5 common factors that cause chest wrinkles

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