Menopause And Your Vagina Stop Dryness & Itchiness

12 Unexpected Common Vaginal Changes What Can Help

Menopause And Your Vagina Stop Dryness & Itchiness

Vaginal dryness

One of the major symptoms of menopause is vaginal dryness.
If mucus production is reduced, it will affect the friendly bacteria as well as reducing the mucosity of the vagina even further.
The lining of the vagina is very thin yet very elastic.
If that thinness and flexibility is affected by the loss of mucus, the inside walls of the vagina become brittle and lose their elasticity.

Many women find vaginal dryness to be really uncomfortable.
It can have a big impact on your sex life as well.
Not only is there dryness, but if the vaginal lining is not that flexible anymore, it can cause a great deal of pain.
Many women find after intercourse there can be a little bit of bleeding or spotting
Very often this is due to the lining of the vagina having been torn or irritated or scraped during intercourse.

What can help to ease vaginal dryness

  • Taking a vaginal probiotic, is a good idea as well as making sure you are drinking enough water
  • Phytoestrogen can also help to raise your estrogen levels
  • Menopause support products can aid in alleviating vaginal dryness
  • Aloe Vera gel can help reduce itchiness and inflammation
    It has wonderful cooling and soothing, but make sure that it is additive-free, 100% pure
    Source: – vaginal dryness causes

Vaginal atrophy

Postmenopausal atrophic vaginitis, or vaginal atrophy, is the thinning of the walls of the vagina caused by a decrease in estrogen levels.
Some women can experience symptoms during perimenopause or the years leading up to menopause.
In other women, symptoms may not manifest themselves until years later.
With less estrogen, the body naturally produces less lubricant in the cervix and the vaginal tissues become thinner, drier and less elastic, and more easily injured.

Other factors that may cause a decrease in estrogen levels include:

  • Breastfeeding
  • Surgery to remove the ovaries
  • Radiation therapy or chemotherapy
  • Hormonal therapy to treat breast cancer

Risk factors for vaginal atrophy

  • Women who have never given birth naturally are more prone to vaginal atrophy than women who delivered their babies vaginally
  • Smoking has an effect on blood circulation, depriving the vagina and other tissues of oxygen
    When blood flow is decreased or restricted, tissue thinning occurs
  • No sexual activity can also lead to an increased risk of vaginal atrophy
    Source: – risk of vaginal atrophy


Symptoms of vaginal atrophy

  • Vaginal burning
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Burning with urination
  • Discomfort or pain with intercourse
  • Light bleeding after intercourse
  • More frequent urinary tract infections
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Thinning of the vaginal walls shortening
  • Tightening of the vaginal canal

Women with vaginal atrophy are more prone to chronic vaginal infections and urinary function problems, which can also result in painful intercourse.

Treatment of vaginal atrophy

Over-the-counter moisturizers or water-based lubricants can help treat dryness and reduce discomfort during sex and are compatible with condoms.
Be aware that some of the lubricants on the market can contain glycerin.
If you are very sensitive in the vaginal area, you should avoid these as they can be irritating and can be conducive to the overgrowth of yeast.

Warming or flavored lubricants should also be avoided.
They can be very irritating and can actually alter the pH of your vaginal mucosa and put you at risk for yeast infections and other pesky infections.
If symptoms are severe and too much to bear, your doctor may recommend estrogen replacement therapy.
Estrogen improves vaginal elasticity and natural moisture and is usually effective in just a few weeks of continuous use.
Estrogen can be taken orally or applied topically as a cream.
Source: – treatment of vaginal atrophy

Vaginal itching

Women may notice vaginal itching more often during menopause and it often goes hand in hand with vaginal dryness, which is another common symptom of menopause.
Low levels of estrogen can make the vaginal tissues drier and thinner than usual, which can make the vagina or vulva feel itchy and painful.

Home remedies that can alleviate itchiness

Use a cool compress
Apply a cool, wet compress to itchy areas to help soothe irritation.
You can also cover the itchy area with a damp towel overnight if the itching disturbs sleep.

Take an oatmeal bath
To help alleviate itchy skin, it can help to bathe in colloidal oatmeal, which is oatmeal that is in a fine powder form.
When added to water, it enables the skin to absorb the cellulose and fiber contained within the oats easily, softening and soothing the skin.

Moisturize regularly
Alleviate dryness and itchiness by moisturizing the skin after a bath or shower, to help lock in moisture into the outermost layer of the skin.

Prevention of itchiness during menopause

Avoid hot baths or showers
As these can strip your skin of essential oils.
Lukewarm water is better for irritable skin.

Pat yourself dry after bathing
Patting skin lightly instead of rubbing after a bath or shower can help to prevent sore or itchy skin.

Avoid scratching
Scratching can tear and damage the skin, especially if it is already sensitive or inflamed. Instead, try to pat the area to alleviate the itchiness.
Apply a cold compress if itchiness does not want to subside.

Use scent-free skincare
Scented soaps often contain harsh chemicals that can further irritate the skin. 
Choose instead perfume-free soaps.

Wear soft, loose fabrics
Go for natural fibers such as cotton that are less likely to irritate skin than synthetic fibers which can also cling to the skin.

Stay hydrated
Water is super important for keeping the skin healthy and preventing dull, itchy skin.

Source: – can menopause cause itching – vaginal itching symptoms signs causes treatment

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