Perimenopause Rage 7 Tips to Take Control Now

Perimenopause Rage Picco-Delish

Why am I so %@!?@% angry all the time?

Perimenopause Rage Take Control Now


As your reproductive hormone levels change, your body reacts, and changes in mood can be unpredictable.
At times, these mood changes can cause extreme and sudden feelings of anxiety, patience, irritability, or anger.
Since perimenopause affects all women differently, it is hard to say how rare or common perimenopause rage is.

Feeling anger can be due to certain factors connected to perimenopause.
Serotonin helps control mood and impulse control and since estrogen plays a part in the production of serotonin, as estrogen levels decline serotonin levels are also affected.
Increased stress levels brought on by a loss of sleep and hot flashes can also contribute to moods that are already unstable.
Accept that your body is changing and that you are not to blame for these emotions, as hormonal changes and chemical reactions are at play.

Symptoms you might be feeling

  • You often feel edgy and anxious
  • You have absolutely no patience for putting up with other’s problems and issues
  • You can have a general feeling of frustration about anything and everything
  • You can become very irritable
  • You can become easily stressed


Tips to help alleviate symptoms

Deep breathing exercises
Incorporate deep breathing exercises into your daily routine
8 Deep Breathing Exercises for Anxiety Relief (

Is a great way of helping to deal with impatience and irritability.
Even just some brisk walking around the block at lunchtime can make quite a difference to how you feel.

Look at your diet
If you are not eating well or regularly enough, it will cause your blood sugar levels to go up and down like a yo-yo, triggering your impatience and your irritability and monitor caffeine intake.

Stay hydrated
Dehydration can also make you more susceptible to mood changes.

Low blood sugar levels
You tend to be more irritable and angrier when you are hungry, so eat little and often to maintain sugar levels.

Take your magnesium supplement
Make sure you are getting enough magnesium in your diet and if not then top up with a magnesium supplement.

Add in a vitamin B complex
If you find that you are easily angered, it could be that your nervous system needs additional support.

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