6 Reasons You Might Need A Probiotic

What are probiotics? 

6 Reasons You Might Need A Probiotic

Probiotics are health-promoting bacteria that can be found in some foods as well as in supplements.
Your gut contains about 100 trillion micro-organisms with a combined weight of about one kilogram, of which some are already acquired at birth in a process called colonization.
Many of these bacteria are considered beneficial or “friendly” and their functions include:

  • Converting fiber into short-chain fatty acids
  • Synthesizing certain vitamins
  • Supporting your immune system

Taking probiotics can help to increase the number of beneficial bacteria that reside in your gut.
Having a healthy gut microbiome is extremely important and taking the right type of probiotics may help you target specific health issues and improve your overall health.
Some foods such as yogurt have natural probiotic benefits
Probiotics are also available as capsules, tablets, liquids, and sprays.

6 Reasons You Might Need A Probiotic

  1. To support the body’s natural defenses
    Probiotics are bacteria that are good for you and which your body needs in order to survive.
    Bacteria are responsible for processing the food that the body digests and extracting the nutrition so that the body can actually use that food.
    Bacteria give nutrition to the body
    They assist the body in creating its own vitamins and natural antibiotics and are also responsible for up to 80% of the body’s immunity.
    They are responsible for fighting infections and preventing the build-up of disease-causing bacteria.
  1. To reduce frequency of diarrhea
    Probiotic therapy has been shown to help reduce the severity and frequency of diarrhea related to infection and antibiotic use.

  2. To help reduce IBS symptoms
    Certain probiotics have been shown to help relieve bloating, abdominal pain, and other symptoms of IBS.

  3. To supportbrain health
    Brain and gut health are strongly connected.
    Taking specific probiotics may help to promote better mental health and reduce anxiety, sadness, and depression.
  1. To help improve heart health
    Taking certain probiotic supplements may help lower LDL (bad) cholesterol and raise HDL (good) cholesterol and decrease blood pressure.

  2. To boost immunity
    Taking probiotics may help strengthen your immune system and help to reduce the risk of infection and illness.


Why does your body need probiotics?

Essentially probiotics increase the number of healthy organisms in your gut and reduce the number of bacteria that could be harmful.

  • They strengthen the gut barrier against harmful substances
  • They support the immune system in the gut
  • They lessen inflammation in the gut
  • They help digest and absorb nutrients

Research has shown that your gut microbiome can be thrown off balance by several factors including:

  • Medications especially antibiotics
  • Too much alcohol
  • Stress
  • Poor sleep
  • Disease

This means the good bacteria that work well within your body may reduce in number which allows bad bacteria to take over.
Harmful bacteria have been linked with several conditions including obesity, heart disease, allergies, and cancer.

What conditions have probiotics proven to benefit?

Diarrhea caused by antibiotics
This has been well established that taking probiotics whilst on antibiotics can prevent antibiotic-associated diarrhea in both children and adults.
Irritable bowel syndrome
Probiotics are effective in the treatment of IBS, especially, for lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium.


Mixed reviews about what conditions can be improved by a probiotic
  • Recurrent urine infections – Studies have been mixed but a benefit can’t be ruled out
  • Bacterial vaginosis and vaginal thrush – Results are unclear if there is a beneficial impact
  • Eczema – Unfortunately, in large studies probiotic strains make little or no difference in improving eczema symptoms

What are the risks of taking probiotics?

There haven’t been any specific studies looking at the safety of probiotics but in general, they are safe except when someone is critically ill.

  • There might be a risk of allergy to probiotics, which is the same risk one might have had to any other food or medicine
    This can include upset tummy, gas, diarrhea, or bloating
  • One of the criticisms levelled at probiotics is that the products may not contain the actual strain of microbe that they are supposed to have
  • That the quantities of live microbes are too low or too weak to have an effect and potentially they may contain harmful microbes
  • Those with immune system disorders, or those that are critically ill or have had surgery are at greater risk of infections and other side effects.
    That being said, the risks are still very low in the general scheme of things.

Should you start taking probiotic supplements?

The answer to this depends on the condition you are trying to treat and which probiotic to use.

myclevelandclinic.org – probiotics what is it benefits side effects
webmd.com – risks and benefits of probiotics
health.harvard.edu – health benefits of taking probiotics
nccih.nih.gov- probiotics what you need to know

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