5 Triggers To Aggravate Your Mood Swings

Mood Swings & Menopause Picco-Delish

5 Triggers to Aggravate Mood Swings

As your ovaries start to produce less estrogen, your body and brain experience numerous changes and some of these changes are mood-related.
Estrogen helps to regulate several hormones, which may have mood-boosting properties, including:

  • Serotonin
  • Norepinephrine
  • Dopamine

Menopause emotional crying, irritability, low mood, and mood swings are some of the most common emotional menopause symptoms.
They can hit at any time, you might get up in the morning feeling absolutely fine and twenty minutes later you can feel your mood spiraling out of control.

5 Triggers to Aggravate Mood Swings

Lack of regular exercise
Exercise releases endorphins which are your feel-good hormones.
Exercising also improves your circulation and the better your circulation, the more your hormones can circulate in a more balanced way.
Low-impact cardiovascular exercise such as Pilates, yoga, and fast walking can help to improve the way you feel about your body.

Poor diet
Your nutritional needs go sky high during menopause, much more energy is used in trying to keep your body in balance.
Because of the loss of hormones, you need more of everything to keep you stable.
Adding foods that are rich in vitamin D, calcium, and iron will help stabilize your mood.

Skipping meals
Make sure that you eat three times a day to keep your blood sugar levels stable.
If your blood sugars dip, it can affect your mood.

Poor sleep
A good night’s sleep is really important
If you are not sleeping due to hot flashes or night sweats, it can negatively affect your mood the next day.

If you are dehydrated it will affect your nervous system causing you to go into panic mode.
It will trigger adrenalin, causing your mood to go up and down


What you can do to help mood swings

Talk about how you feel
It can be very difficult to communicate how you feel because you don’t understand it yourself
However, sometimes it helps to connect with your girlfriends who are also going through menopause
Remember, you are not alone in this.

Supplement with the following:

  • Vitamin D plays a vital role in mood control as well as brain and nerve health.
  • Vitamin B complex is great for feeding your nervous system and it’s beneficial for brain function as well.
  • Zinc supports brain function and may reduce the risk of depression
  • Omega-3 fatty acids are important for brain health and can help to treat anxiety.
  • Valerian root can be used for short periods to lower levels of anxiety and depression.
  • Magnesium is an important mineral that can help with depression and research shows that supplementing with magnesium may reduce depressive symptoms
  • Take a good female multivitamin
    webmd.com – emotional roller coaster of menopause
    medicalnewstoday.com – supplements for anxiety
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