11 Quick Tips To Avoid Under Eye Wrinkles And Bags

11 Quick tips to avoid under eye wrinkles and bags

11 Quick Tips To Avoid Under Eye Wrinkles And Bags

The skin around your eyes is particularly thin compared to the rest of your face.
This is why wrinkles tend to appear there first.
The skin area around the eye has fewer oil glands and collagen compared to other parts of your face and body, making it more prone to dryness, droopiness, lines, and wrinkles.
As you age it is normal having lines under your eyes, but there are plenty of ways to prevent damage to the skin around your eyes and to repair it.

Types of wrinkles


  • The repeated contraction of muscles underneath the skin can cause dynamic wrinkles over time
  • These tend to show up when the muscles are in use, such as when you smile
  • Crow’s feet which develop near the outer corners of the eyes are dynamic wrinkles


  • Static wrinkles are caused by skin damage, such as exposure to the sun, smoking and poor diet
  • They remain visible even when the facial muscles are at rest and most often with time, dynamic wrinkles become static wrinkles

Wrinkle folds

  • As you age the facial structures start to sag, causing wrinkle folds
  • They may occur underneath the eyes and often develop in the grooves between the nose and mouth

Causes for under-eye wrinkles

Besides aging, there are other common contributing factors such as:
Limit sun exposure
If you spend a lot of time outdoors during peak sunlight hours without proper protection, sun damage will ultimately begin to accumulate in the form of fine lines and wrinkles. 

Facial Expressions
Repetitive facial expressions can lead to wrinkles and fine lines in the eye area.
Every time you squint, smile or try to see something more clearly, a groove develops underneath the skin.
As collagen production slows down with aging, the skin around the eyes loses the ability to bounce back and creases begin to form.

Smoking is the strongest predictor of wrinkles in women and men, exposing your skin to extra oxidative stress, damaging its collagen and elastin.

Sleeping Positions
If you sleep on your side or stomach, you may be introducing wrinkles to your skin sooner than you’d like.
Sleeping with your face buried in your pillow can contribute to lines under your eyes.

Dehydrated Skin
Symptoms of dehydrated skin are more pronounced lines, flakiness, and a feeling of tightness, particularly around the eyes.

11 Quick tips to avoid under-eye wrinkles

1. Eat a healthy diet
Incorporate foods that are rich in Vitamin C, vitamin A, and vitamin E into your diet, helping your skin to form healthy new cells.
Include colorful citrus fruits, carrots, and pumpkin to help increase the amount of these vitamins in your diet.

2. Use a nourishing and protective eye cream
Using an eye cream that combines SPF with anti-aging ingredients such as hyaluronic acid and creatine can help to reduce fine lines and eye wrinkles and accelerate the skin’s own cell renewal process.

3. Supplement with omega-3
Omega-3 can support wrinkle prevention by nourishing your skin and keeping it youthful and supple.
Salmon and other cold-water fish are rich in omega-3, but you can also find it in plant sources including walnuts, chia seeds, flaxseeds, and flaxseed oil, and various vegetable oils.
Alternatively, there is a range of omega-3 supplements available, including vegan-friendly ones.

4.Wear sunscreen, sunglasses and a hat
Always apply broad-spectrum sunscreen when going out in the sunlight.
Be aware to choose a suitable gentle sunscreen that won’t burn or sting the area around the eyelids.
A good pair of sunglasses can prevent you from scrunching your eyes in bright sunlight.

5. Quit smoking
It will destroy the underlying supportive framework in the skin around the eyes.
Smoking is one of the most poisonous things you can do for your skin.

6. Stay hydrated and avoid alcohol
Dehydration can make the skin around your eyes saggy and sad.
Make sure to drink plenty of water and avoid drinking too much alcohol, which can be dehydrating.

7.Get your eyes checked
Having trouble seeing over short or long distances?
Constant squinting can form lines around your eyes, which can lead to wrinkles over time.
Get your eyes checked to determine whether you need glasses or contacts, which can alleviate the need to scrunch your eyes.

8. Use eye make-up remover
Your evening skincare routine should include a dedicated eye make-up remover.
Impurities from make-up can penetrate your skin, causing fine lines and under-eye wrinkles.
An eye make-up remover is designed to hydrate and protect the sensitive skin around your eyes.

9. Sleep position
It is recommended that you sleep on your back with your head slightly elevated.
This allows for fluid to drain back to your heart and not to collect in those areas under the eyes.
If you sleep on your stomach, or side, fluid will pool there making bags under the eyes more noticeable.

10.Treat your allergies
Allergies can often cause inflammation around your eyes.
Rubbing or scratching your eyes can contribute to red eyes and make your skin feel dry.
Treat your allergy symptoms to give your face a more relaxed appearance, and also protect the skin under your eyes in the long run.

11. Use cream with Retin-A
Use moisturizers that are rich in ingredients shown to promote circulation and new cell growth.

Medical treatments for under-eye wrinkles

Dermal fillers are injected into the skin underneath or around the eyes to fill out and plump up the appearance of the face.
They are temporary and last six months to two years.

Botox injected in the under-eye area can help widen the eye and give a smoother under-eye appearance.
Botox is injected by a trained professional in the area of the lower eyelid just below the eyelashes to the pretarsal muscle.
Repeat injections are needed every six months.

There are several types of laser treatments for under-eye lines and wrinkles.
Fractional laser is one option that works by making microscopic holes into the skin to stimulate collagen and elastin production.

Tiny needles are first used to prick holes in the skin, followed by an application of skin cream or serum.
As the skin heals, collagen is stimulated, reducing the appearance of fine lines.

Chemical peels
Chemical peels are applied to the face to remove dead skin cells and promote new cell growth.
This treatment involves the use of alpha hydroxy acid to peel away the top layers of the skin.
Chemical peels are not suitable for treating deep wrinkles or tightening sagging.

Microcrystals are sprayed onto the skin to achieve a similar peeling effect as chemical peels.
A diamond-tip handpiece is used on sensitive areas of skin, such as your eyes.
Removing layers of the skin improves collagen production, helping to produce a smoother look.
Results are not permanent and can last for 6–12 months.

medicalnewstoday.com under eye wrinkles causes
aad.org – skin care in your 40s and 50s

What can you do for under-eye bags?

Under-eye bags are a common cosmetic concern, particularly as you age.
The supportive framework in your skin begins to decline.
The structural components begin to lose their integrity and as a result, the underlying fatty tissue starts to bulge out in the area of the skin under your eyes.
Additionally, as you age, you lose some of that supportive framework, body fluids pool in those areas and result in the appearance of prominent under-eye bags.
There is also a genetic tendency to develop these under-eye bags.

Other causes of under-eye bags include:

  • Hypothyroidism
  • Stress
  • Smoking
  • Diseases related to the cardiovascular system
  • Allergies
  • Lack of sleep
  • Hereditary
  • Chronic fatigue

Check with your doctor to make sure that there is no underlying medical condition that might cause you to retain fluid abnormally around the eyes resulting in under-eye bags.


14 Lifestyle changes you can make to help reduce the appearance of under-eye bags:

  1. Stay hydrated and avoid alcohol
    Dehydration can make the skin around your eyes saggy and sad.
    Make sure to drink plenty of water and avoid drinking too much alcohol, which can be dehydrating.

  2. Apply a cold compress
    Applying a cool compress, either right before bed or in the morning can help to reduce puffiness.
    Try a wet washcloth, cold teaspoon, cucumber, or bag of frozen veggies.

  3. Apply tea bags
    The caffeine in the tea contains powerful antioxidants that can increase blood flow to your skin.
    Green tea in particular has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Soak two tea bags for 3 to 5 minutes
  • Let the tea bags chill in the refrigerator for 20 minutes
  • Squeeze out the extra liquid and apply to your under-eye area
  • Leave the tea bags on for 15 to 30 minutes

4. Use a retinol cream
The ingredients in retinol cream can improve collagen deficiency. 

5. Use a lightening product
Skin lightening creams contain an ingredient called hydroquinone, to help reduce the appearance of dark bags or under-eye circles.
Use at night only, as sunlight can reverse the benefits of the cream.

6. Get enough sleep
Sleep is imperative to restoring the skin barrier and the health of the skin.
When your sleep quality is compromised it shows up on your face.
Good quality sleep will pay dividends on your face, therefore aim to get between seven and eight hours of sleep every night.

7. Sleep position
It is recommended that you sleep on your back with your head slightly elevated.
This allows for fluid to drain back to your heart and not to collect in those areas under the eyes.
If you sleep on your stomach, or side, fluid will pool there making bags under the eyes more noticeable.

8. Take charge of your allergies
Your allergies may cause you to experience red, watery, or itchy eyes. 
This can also make under-eye bags become more noticeable.
Chronic irritation under the eyes from rubbing or allergens can result in inflammation, irritation, tissue swelling and fluid collection.

9. Quit smoking
It will destroy the underlying supportive framework in the skin around the eyes.
Smoking is one of the most poisonous things you can do for your skin.

10. Wear sunscreen every day
Protecting your skin against the sun’s rays can help with a number of issues such as premature aging, skin cancer, discoloration and may also help with under-eye bags and dark circles.

11. Remove eye makeup, mascara, and eye shadow
The tiny particulates that are left on the skin for a prolonged period of time can be very irritating and contribute to dark under-eye circles.
Make sure you use a gentle cleanser, suitable for the area around the eyes.

  1. Monitor daily sodium intake
    Too much salt can manifest itself and cause swelling and puffiness under the eyes.

  2. Increase Vitamin C intake
    Upping your intake of vitamin C can help your body absorb more hyaluronic acid, which is naturally found in the body, but decreases with age.

Good sources of vitamin C include:

  • Oranges
  • Red peppers
  • Kale
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Broccoli
  • Strawberries
  1. Eat more iron-rich foods
    Iron deficiency anemia is a condition where the blood is lacking red blood cells, that are responsible for carrying oxygen to tissues in the body and can cause dark circles under the eyes.

Iron-rich foods include:

  • Red meat, pork, and poultry
  • Seafood
  • Beans
  • Leafy green veggies, like kale and spinach
  • Raisins, apricots, and other dried fruits
  • Iron-rich foods, like cereals, breads, and pastas
  • Peas

Medical treatments for eye bags

Laser resurfacing removes wrinkly surface layers in the under-eye area to stimulate collagen production, helping to tighten skin and improve its texture.
Botox injections block the muscles to contract around the eyes.
Botox can also lift the brow, which can help if you have bulgy or droopy upper eyelid.
Filler is placed where the under-eye area and cheek met to plump up hollows beneath the eyes.
Chemical peels remove the superficial top layers of wrinkly under-eye skin to reveal brighter, tighter skin.

hopkinsmedicine.org – how to get rid of bags under the eyes
mayoclinic.org – bags under eyes symptoms and causes
webmd.com – banish the bags under your eyes
webmd.com – remedies for bags under eyes


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