10 Bad Hair Habits That Can Ruin Your Hair

10 Bad Hair Habits That Can Ruin Your Hair

Bad habit #1 Applying shampoo to all your hair

A habit that can lead to increased hair breakage and fragility, is shampooing the entire length of your hair, instead, you should apply the shampoo just to your scalp.
The main purpose of shampooing is to cleanse your scalp.
As you rinse out the shampoo, the lather will end up coating your strands anyway.
It can lead to a lot of frizz and breakage problems.

Bad habit #2 Not conditioning your hair after shampooing

This is important, especially if you have long hair.
Shampooing deposits a negative charge on the hair shafts themselves, contributing not only to static and poor manageability but also causing more breakage and fragility of the hair shaft.
Conditioners neutralize this negative charge on the hair shaft and reduce the issue of breakage.
If you have short hair, you can get away without using conditioner, but it is more important for those with longer hair to condition regularly.

Bad habit # 3 Vigorous towel drying

This relates to your showering routine.
When you get out of the shower, don’t towel dry your hair by rubbing the hair vigorously.
This is the worst thing you can do for your hair because when your hair is wet, it is even more fragile.
Instead, just gently wrap your hair up in a towel to help absorb some of the extra water.

Bad habit #4 Being run down

Letting yourself get run down, takes its toll on your hair as well.
When your body is in stress mode and you are not getting enough sleep or not eating well, your stress hormones send signals to your body saying; this is not really the time to be growing hair.
The hairs on your head will then shift away from the growing phase into the resting phase.
Your nutrition is really important for the health of your hair and for building the structural elements of the hair.

Bad habit #5 Brushing hair when very wet

Do not brush your hair when it’s wet because that is when it’s at its weakest and most vulnerable to breakage.
Instead, brush hair out before shampooing and conditioning because brushing knots out of wet hair can lead to breakage.

Don’t underestimate how damaging a hairdryer can be to your hair.
The heat can damage the proteins in your hair making it more susceptible to frizz and of course breakage.
If you do use a blow dryer, always use the lower heat setting.
Never hold the blow dryer too close to your hair, try to keep it about 10 centimeters away from your head.
Always make sure that you dry your hair in a continuous fashion and not stay on a fixed spot until it is dry.

Bad habit #7 Not protecting your hair from UV

Don’t underestimate the degree of damage to the hair that comes from prolonged ultraviolet radiation exposure, such as when you are outdoors all day.
UV damages the protein structure in the hair rendering it more vulnerable.
It is recommended to put your hair up and cover it with a cap or hat to protect it.
If you have blonde hair or red hair it’s even more vulnerable to ultraviolet radiation, so be mindful if you spend a lot of time outdoors.


Bad habit #8 Brushing your hair from root to tip

This method can knot the hair and cause more breakage.
Instead, brush from the ends, working your way up, avoiding any unwanted knots that lead to breakage.

Bad habit #9 Tight hair style

Wearing tight hairstyles, such as tight ponytails or wearing your hair in a bun can cause something called traction alopecia.
This is hair loss related to chronic pulling on the hair.
Instead, choose loose-wearing hairstyles and use ponytail holders that are wrapped in fabric, such as a scrunchy.

Bad habit #10 Using styling products that offer long-lasting hold

Using hair styling products such as gels, mousses and sprays can wear down the hair shaft and make it vulnerable to breakage.
They can also contain bad alcohols, which can be drying on the hair shaft and lead to even more breakage.


allure.com – hairstyling mistakes cause breakage
Dr. Dray- a Board Certified Dermatologist and skincare enthusiast based in Houston, TX.

How often should you wash your hair?

omen Hair Loss And 10 Hair Habits to Avoid

According to the experts, there is no definitive answer as to how often you should shampoo.
You might not need to do it as often as you think.
It usually comes down to personal preference and can depend on your hair type and styling choices.
Some women feel that they can go a week without shampooing, whereas others prefer to wash their hair daily. (1)

What does shampoo actually do?

Your hair produces a natural oil called sebum, that coats and moisturizes hair follicles.
Shampoo on the other hand cleans the hair with chemicals called surfactants which are emulsifiers that capture and trap excess oil and dirt, which is then rinsed out to clean the hair.
The vast majority of shampoos also contain sulfates, which provide lather to remove oil from the hair.
Shampooing too frequently may dry out your hair, leaving it prone to breakage. (2)

Who should shampoo daily?

If you have very fine hair, exercise often and sweat a lot, or live in a very humid place, you might want to wash your hair daily.
If you feel that you need to wash your hair daily, make sure you use a good quality shampoo to minimize dryness, dullness, breakage, and hair loss.

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